[The Shore of Dreams]
Fel and pine trees crowd close to the shore of an almost perfectly clear pool. A low wall
crafted from bright blue Liabo marble surrounds the tiny pond, encircling it in a loving
embrace. The gleaming surface of the water is disturbed only by concentric rings drifting
away from the waterfall lazily spilling down from an outcropping of rocks overhead. Though
the shadows are deep here, an occasional beam of light pierces the darkness, illuminating
the vivid colors surrounding you. You also see a faint path.
Kentrue recites: "Lords,
Ladies, and Commoners
Welcome to the permanent handfasting
of Lady Miramaune and Lord Goldbadz"
Kentrue recites:
"Lords, Ladies, and
Welcome to the permanent handfasting
of Lady Miramaune and Lord Goldbadz"
(Kentrue prepares the room for the ceremony as the guests find their seats. He sets upon
the ground a beautiful enruned silver altar.)
(Kentrue lays out upon the altar a 3 foot long white silk ribbon, a small block of
incense, and a beautiful crystal chalice.)
(Dianatrue sets out one white candle for the bride and groom.)
Dianatrue removes a gilded white candle from in her spidersilk satchel.
Kentrue removes an enruned silver trunk from in his ermine cloak.
(Dianatrue sets out one votive candle for the Goddess of the Moon for whom she is a
Dianatrue removes an unlit candle votive from in her spidersilk satchel.
Kentrue drops an enruned silver trunk.
Dianatrue put an unlit candle votive on an enruned silver trunk that is on the ground.
Kentrue removes some pale sandalwood incense from in his ermine cloak.
Kentrue carefully places his sandalwood incense on the ground.
Kentrue lights the sandalwood incense, which flickers and begins to burn.
Kentrue removes a glittering crystal chalice from in his ermine cloak.Beryl nods.
(Kentrue sets out one white candle for the Goddess Lorminstra for whom he is a cleric)
Kentrue removes a candle votive from in his ermine cloak.
Kentrue drops a candle votive.
The incense emits some pale smoke which disperses, leaving a faint scent of sandalwood.
(Dianatrue nods to Kentrue and takes her place beside him at the altar)
Dianatrue gazes fondly at Kentrue.
(Goldbadz trys to fly away but his spells dont work)
(Kentrue motions to the groom.)
Goldbadz grins.
(Goldbadz steps up to the altar)
Kentrue smiles at Goldbadz.
A trickle of sandalwood-scented smoke rises from some pale incense.
Kentrue recites:
"Will those who have
To witness the Handfasting
Of Lady Miramaune and Lord Goldbadz
Please take their seats now"
You see Kentrue deTennek the Human Cleric.
He appears to be in his 50's, has short, straight light brown hair, blue eyes, and fair
He is holding a glittering crystal chalice in his right hand.
He is wearing some white leather sandals, a white silk cassock, a pure white satchel, a
long white ermine cloak, a pure white hat, a moonstone wedding band, a pure white vest, an
elegant Lorminstra charm, some white gold-buckled trousers, a small Silvergate pin, some
delicate ivory prayer beads, a white Voln sash, and a gold ring.
(Kentrue lights the votive for the Goddess Lorminstra whose path he follows)
(Dianatrue lights the votive for the Goddess of the Moon whose path she follows.)
Gruffydd chuckles.
Dianatrue removes some pious pearl prayer beads from in her spidersilk satchel.
A faint aroma of sandalwood fills the room.
Dianatrue nods to Kentrue.
Dianatrue carefully places her gilded white candle on an enruned silver trunk.
Dianatrue removes a laje banded tome of knowledge from in her spidersilk satchel.
Dianatrue offers Kentrue a laje banded tome of knowledge.
Kentrue accepts Dianatrue's banded tome.
Dianatrue hangs some pious pearl prayer beads around her neck.
Kentrue recites:
"We are gathered
here to witness the joining
Of Lady Miramaune and Lord Goldbadz
We call upon all of the Gods and Goddesses
In our fair land of Elanthia
To join us, and cast their blessings"
A trickle of sandalwood-scented smoke rises from some pale incense.
Dianatrue recites:
"All rise please, as
the bride enters."
Miramaune just arrived.
(Miramaune walks from behind waterfall and steps up to altar next to Goldbadz blushing)
Kentrue smiles at Miramaune.
Goldbadz shifts his eyes to Miramaune.
Miramaune smiles.
Dianatrue beams happily at Miramaune!
Goldbadz beams happily at Miramaune!
Soft wisps of scented smoke waft from the sandalwood incense.
Miramaune blushes a nice shade of off-pink.
Miramaune nods to Kentrue.
Kentrue recites:
"You may be
You see Miramaune Draqk the Human Rogue.
She appears to be in her 60's, has shoulder length, wavy red hair, green eyes, and tanned
She has a soaring green dragon tattoo on her neck, and a small lockpick tattoo on her
She is holding a heart-shaped white rose bouquet in her left hand.
She is wearing a pearl-trimmed silk shoulder pouch, a strand of cultured pearls, a crown
of Blaeston blossoms, a pair of mother-of-pearl earrings, a pair of pearl-buttoned gloves,
a pair of white ankle-tie lace slippers, a gold-threaded white silk gown, a starstone
engagement band, and a delicate rose.
Kentrue smiles.
Kentrue coughs.
Kentrue clears his throat.
A bit of fragrant dust falls from some pale sandalwood incense as it burns.
(Dianatrue lights the guilded white candle for the bride and groom)
Dianatrue lights the gilded white candle, which flickers and begins to burn.
Kentrue asks, "Who seeks to join their spirits here today?"
Goldbadz kneels down.
(Goldbadz kneels saying "I Goldbadz comes to claim what has always been mine; a
kindred soul who has walked as my friend;safely she has carried my heart; long we have
walked apart, finally we have found each other.)
Miramaune kneels down.
Kentrue smiles at Goldbadz.
A faint aroma of sandalwood fills the room.
The gilded white candle burns warmly, lending a soft light to the room.
(Miramaune steps up and kneels beside goldbadz saying......Long has he waited for me
watching from the mist as I learned to walk in the shadows, until our hearts broke the
silence of our unspoken love. )
Miramaune says, "I Miramaune comes to claim what is hers...."
Kentrue smiles at Miramaune.
Goldbadz clasps Miramaune's hand tenderly.
Kentrue asks, "Do you enter this union without reservation? To join heart, spirit and
soul to support and cherish each other with the purity of unselfish love?"
Kentrue peers quizzically at Goldbadz.
Goldbadz recites:
"Aye I Do!"
Kentrue peers quizzically
at Miramaune.
Some pale incense emits a tendril of sandalwood-scented smoke, which forms a lacy pattern
in the air before fading away.
A gilded white candle flickers a moment and nearly goes out, then its flame springs to
life again, burning merrily.
Miramaune gazes fondly at Goldbadz.
Miramaune recites:
"I also pledge it to
be so"
Kentrue nods.
Dianatrue recites:
"Turn and face each
so thee may see the truth in each others eyes."
Goldbadz stands up.
(Goldbadz turns and looks into the shining green eyes of Mira who's unwavering gaze sends
a shiver thru him as he looks back into hers with his eyes open to his soul)
(Miramaune her eyes locking onto Gold's blue one's finds herself glad she is already on
her knees as the depth of love and passion she finds there leaves her trembling with
A trickle of sandalwood-scented smoke rises from some pale incense.
A gilded white candle glows warmly with a soft, flickering light.
Kentrue smiles.
Kentrue recites:
"As the Day needs
Night, as the Sun needs Rain
As the River meets the Ocean and the bud becomes the rose
So shall ye both need to be all things to each other
To bend as the willow as the storms blow
And stand as firm as the oak when the ground shakes
Leaning on each other as you give strength
And take strength in each others love."
Dianatrue recites:
"Speak now your
words of commitment
in the eyes of your Gods and friends
they being the glue that binds you.
For they must seek to help and support you both
on the road that you now travel as one."
Dianatrue nods to
Goldbadz recites:
"Mira I have no
words that can express how deep my joy
My love is for thee. I am a simple man
Of few words but as The gods are my witness I will be everything that you need
No others will come before thee
I will give my life to defend you and your honor and woe to those that would cause you
I will stand at thy side for all time
I would take thee to my side as my wife
My lover and my friend
What say thee?"
Soft wisps of scented
smoke waft from the sandalwood incense.
A wisp of smoke rises from a gilded white candle as the hot wax drips and splutters.
Goldbadz shifts his eyes to Miramaune.
Miramaune recites:
""You cannae
possess me for I belong to myself. But while we both wish it I give you that which is mine
to give."
Miramaune recites:
"You cannae command
me, for I am a free person, but I shall serve you in those ways you require and the
honeycomb will taste sweeter coming from my hand"
Miramaune recites:
"'I pledge to you
that yours will be the name I cry aloud in the night, and the eyes into which I smile in
the morning, I pledge to you the first bite of my meat and the first drink from my
Dianatrue removes a
rose-edged ivory silk handkerchief from in her white silk cloak.
Miramaune recites:
""I pledge to
you my living and my dying , each equally in your care.. I shall be a shield for your back
and you for mine. I shall not slander you nor you me..."
Dianatrue just tried to
pull a rose-edged ivory silk handkerchief.
Miramaune recites:
"I shall honor you
above all others, and when we quarrel we shall do so in private and tell no strangers our
(Dianatrue dabs with her hankie)
Dianatrue put a rose-edged ivory silk handkerchief in her white silk cloak.
The faint scent of sandalwood fills the air.
A wisp of smoke rises from a gilded white candle as the hot wax drips and splutters.
Kentrue smiles.
Kentrue coughs.
Kentrue recites:
"Do you, Lord
Take Lady Miramaune
To be your wife in these lands
To love her
Honor her
Protect her
And care for her
In adversity as well as advancement
Until death without resurrection you shall part?"
Kentrue peers quizzically
at Goldbadz.
Goldbadz recites:
"I Do!"
Dianatrue recites:
"Do you, Lady Miramaune
take Lord Goldbadz
to be your husband in these lands
to love him
honor him
protect him
and care for him
in adversity as well as advancement
until death without ressurrection you shall part?"
Soft wisps of scented smoke waft from the sandalwood incense.
A gilded white candle flickers a moment and nearly goes out, then its flame springs to
life again, burning merrily.
Kentrue smiles at Miramaune.
Miramaune blushes a nice shade of off-pink.
Miramaune says, "aye that I do"
Dianatrue nods.
The incense emits some pale smoke which disperses, leaving a faint scent of sandalwood.
The glow from a gilded white candle softly illuminates the room.
Dianatrue nods to Kentrue.
Kentrue recites:
"Will the
congregation please rise?"
(Kentrue takes the ribbon from the altar)
(Kentrue takes the joined left hands and the ribbon)
Kentrue recites:
"Here before
Miramaune and Goldbadz
Have sworn vows to each other
With this cord, I bind them
To the vows that they each have made"
(Kentrue wraps the ribbon loosely around both arms)
Kentrue recites:
"You will note this
binding is not knotted
So that neither is restricted by the other
And the binding is only enforced by both their wills."
Some pale incense burns
softly as a stream of sandalwood-scented smoke rises from its smoldering ashes.
A gilded white candle glows warmly with a soft, flickering light.
Dianatrue recites:
"The ribbon is tied
to symbolize
the binding of the two spririts
that have consented in wedlock
pledged faith to each other
that their love will nourish
and grow in unison as one."
Goldbadz recites:
"Heart to thee
Soul to thee
Body to thee
Forever and always
So mote it be""
Miramaune recites:
"'Heart to thee
Soul to thee
Body to thee
Forever and always
So mote it be..."
The incense emits some
pale smoke which disperses, leaving a faint scent of sandalwood.
A small draft catches the flame of a gilded white candle and it flickers brightly.
Dianatrue gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kentrue clasps Miramaune's hand tenderly.
Kentrue reaches out and holds Goldbadz's hand.
Kentrue clasps Dianatrue's hand tenderly.
Dianatrue gestures at Kentrue.
A sphere of pure white light appears above you.
A wispy tendril of pure magic reaches out to encircle Kentrue and those nearby.
Kentrue smiles.
(Kentrue unbinds the couple and returns the ribbon to the altar)
Kentrue recites:
"Will the
congregation please be seated"
Dianatrue recites:
"Do you have rings
of commitment?
You may exchange them."
Dianatrue nods to
Goldbadz removes a starstone wedding band from in his red pouch.
A faint aroma of sandalwood fills the room.
A gilded white candle flickers a moment and nearly goes out, then its flame springs to
life again, burning merrily.
(Goldbadz gets band from his pouch and places it on Mira's finger saying in almost a
whisper "As this circle is unbroken;With no begining or end so Is my love for
thee;You are with me always your love burned into my heart for all time)
Goldbadz offers Miramaune a starstone wedding band.
Miramaune accepts Goldbadz's wedding band.
Miramaune slides a starstone wedding band onto her finger..
Miramaune removes a starstone wedding band from in her silk shoulder pouch.
(Miramaune gets the band and places it on Goldbadz's finger saying..I pledge thee my
devotion, undying even thru death, I seek only what you can freely give and give all that
you would sincerely take.)
Miramaune offers Goldbadz a starstone wedding band.
Goldbadz accepts Miramaune's wedding band.
Goldbadz just kissed the band!
Goldbadz slides a starstone wedding band onto his finger.
Miramaune smiles softly at Gold
Soft wisps of scented smoke waft from the sandalwood incense.
A gilded white candle flickers a moment and nearly goes out, then its flame springs to
life again, burning merrily.
Dianatrue recites:
"Miramaune and
have consented together in wedlock
and have witnessed the same
before the Gods, Goddesses and this company
and hereto have pledged
their faith each to the other."
Dianatrue nods to
Goldbadz shifts his eyes to Miramaune.
Kentrue offers Dianatrue a laje banded tome of knowledge.
Dianatrue accepts Kentrue's banded tome.
Miramaune gazes fondly at Goldbadz.
Kentrue raises his crystal chalice skyward!
Kentrue recites:
"We thank you
For your presence among us
And as you take your leave
We ask that the love and warmth
Felt here today by all
Might spread through the lands."
Kentrue offers Dianatrue
a glittering crystal chalice.
Dianatrue put a laje banded tome of knowledge in her spidersilk satchel.
Dianatrue accepts Kentrue's crystal chalice.
Dianatrue recites:
"We thank you
for your presence among us
And as you take your leave
we ask that you bless and deposit
in each of us the ability
to be loving to one another."
(Dianatrue slips her hand
into Kentrue's.)
Dianatrue gazes fondly at Kentrue
Dianatrue smiles quietly to herself.
Some pale incense burns softly as a stream of sandalwood-scented smoke rises from its
smoldering ashes.
The gilded white candle burns warmly, lending a soft light to the room.
Kentrue recites:
Miramaune smiles.
A flare leaves Regyy's hand and shoots up into the sky where it hangs for a few moments
before exploding into a breathtaking array of colors. The sheer brightness of the image
before you lingers in your sight for several seconds after the explosion can no longer be
Dianatrue gently rings her bells creating a cascade of soft tones.
Kentrue recites:
"I now ask thee to
rise and greet your friends
Walking from theis monent on as one"
The faint scent of sandalwood fills the air.
A faint, flickering light emanates from a gilded white candle, warming the room with its
Kentrue recites:
"Stronger by half
because of your joining
Go now in the gods grace as husband and wife"
Kentrue smiles at Goldbadz.
Kentrue recites:
"You may kiss the
Goldbadz just kissed Miramaune on the mouth.
Miramaune just kissed Goldbadz on the lips.
Goldbadz dances around the room to music only he can hear.
Kentrue beams happily at Goldbadz!
Goldbadz recites:
"Thank all of my
freinds for attending the happiest moment of my life"
The faint scent of
sandalwood fills the air.
A gilded white candle burns with a warm golden light.
Kevra reaches out and holds Dianatrue's hand.
Miramaune says, "Thank you all"
Kentrue recites:
"Please join with
the couple in their revelry
At the reception immediately following this ceremony:which will be held at the tent."
Goldbadz recites:
"Now less
Kentrue recites:
"Thank you all for
To witness this ceremony.
You may now feel free
To congratulate the newest couple in our lands
And may the gods be with you as you leave"
Miramaune recites:
"'come husband"
Miramaune grins.
Miramaune just touched Goldbadz.
Kentrue smiles with pleasure at the obvious happiness of the couple